
Software Engineering

LENER - School Administration

LENER - School Administration Image

A demonstrative project to management of courses' school by Django Administration site.

Used Stacks: Django

Click here to access.

Library Community

Library Community Image

Library Community is a project for management of book and its borrowings in community environments.

Used Stacks: Django PortgreSQL Bootstrap

Click here to access.

Parking Control (in development)

image soon

A RESTful API to management of one parking and its spots, by a question on Federal Institutio of Pará – Campus Óbidos, from Brazil.

Used Stacks: Spring Boot Spring Security PortgreSQL

Click here to see the development on GitHub.

Decks Builder (in development)

image soon

A mobile app for building of decks to Anki by better management of time and faster learning process. Available to Android plataform soon.

Used Stacks: Kivy KivyMD

Click here to see the development on GitHub.

Game Dav

Game Dav Image

A game to GameBoy plataform that can play on browser too. This project was developed through GB Studio and is the 1rt version, suggestions are welcome.

Used Stacks: Javascript CSS HTML

Click here to access.

My Personal Portfolio

My Personal Portfolio Image

This is current web site that you are now. My personal portfolio has the goal of presenting me for tech industry. I accept suggestions for improving this project.